How HornHub is Building Towards the Perfect Crescendo
7 min readJan 10, 2022


Recapping the 6th Voice Chat AMA

As the saying goes, it’s always quietest right before the storm, and this was certainly the case for HornHub, where the core team have largely been radio-silent for the past couple of weeks. Not because they have lost interest, but rather the complete opposite. With their usual dedication and focus, they have had their noses firmly to the grindstone, getting the beta issues fixed and the platform ready to release to the community, before the upcoming official launch. They recently all came up for air, and in celebration, hosted an exciting and informative Voice Chat AMA for the community, which let everyone know with full transparency exactly where the project is with everything.

Executive team member Bull took full control of the VC this time around as Stuart (AKA the Wordsmith) was unfortunately taken ill and had to hand over the reins while he rested up. Regardless, Bull — himself a gifted orator — was keen to share the exciting details of the projects’ latest movements to the listeners.

Unfortunately, he was forced to start on a bit of negative, which served as a stark warning to everyone to be mindful and vigilant when operating in the DeFi space. He revealed how day 1 supporter and large investor George had unfortunately had his wallet hacked and all his HHUB tokens transferred into another wallet. Fortunately, however, due to quick actions by George and the HornHub team, the theft wallet was blacklisted straight away and only managed to sell 16BNB’s worth of tokens — a hit, but far better than it could have been. It was a testament to George and his respect and appreciation of the project that he came forward so quickly and allowed the situation to be resolved smoothly.

The next subject matter was far more positive and revolved around the introduction of Gemma — a GFX and social media expert who the project has bought on to aid the project on its social media platforms, in response to community feedback that they were lacking in both quality and quantity. Bull explained how Gemma is overhauling the Twitter and Instagram with dynamic and engaging content and will shortly be working with an assistant to tackle Facebook — and potentially TikTok as well. This was a popular addition for the community and also a necessary one, as it is well known how important social media reach is for growing projects.

Afterwards Bull changed gears to provide an update about the much-wanted merchandise, which had undergone a slight delay while the team had been focused on improving and fixing the beta ready for launch. It was with great excitement that Bull was able to reveal that the new merchandise will be landing within one week and had photographs of some of the exciting garments on offer, which was uploaded to social media by Gemma shortly afterwards. He then moved on to talk about press releases, with the exciting reveal that an article had landed on Yahoo Finance, and that many, many more are due to land soon on a number of large profile websites over the coming weeks — including the lauded Bloomberg!

However, there was of course one main reason that everyone had tuned in to listen to the voice chat — something that Bull was keenly aware of, so he switched gears to dive right into the meaty details of exactly where the project is with its beta release. He revealed the exciting news that it will finally be happening in just over a week’s time! Bull also revealed that this was timing with a full international release which will happen just after the beta launch, as an official launch.

Very exciting stuff indeed.

At this point Bull went a little more into the complexities of exactly what the development team have been doing during the time they have spent working on the beta, ready for community launch. Firstly, he explained how they are currently fixing as many bugs as possible and provided a graphic for the main chat, which showed the hundreds of issues they have already resolved. He then talked about how on Monday the development team will begin a ‘sprint’ to fix the final visual issues they find that will take 2–3 days. Once they have fixed all of these, they will begin a re-factoring of all the back-end code to ensure that nothing breaks in production, and improve error handling and performance — specifically scalability, speed, and security.

Bull continued on to explain how regarding refactoring, the team have begun what they call ‘phase one’ and includes organizing entities, making sure database schema designing is high standard, building swagger doc and implementing AWS Cognito to be of necessary GDPR standard. Once this is completed (by a proposed Tuesday 11th) then the refactoring of the backend will take around one week of full-time work. At that point the team will have simultaneously completed front-end work and will therefore be able to build out all the relevant components properly and implement the mobile user interface design. While for many this may all seem simply like technical jargon, they are all extremely crucial steps in ensuring that the user experience is exceptional and also that the platform is being fully compliant to various regulations and international laws.

One of the biggest bombshells that Bull then dropped is that all of the new content creator talents the project has will be enrolled on Monday too, and that they are all super excited to get started! They will start to test for operational bugs and report them back to the team so that they can make quick fixes to constantly improve the platform. In addition, all of the community beta users will then started to get enrolled by next weekend to experience the platform first-hand and to help with the testing.

At this point Bull paused to open up the floor to community questions. First up was Timson, who asked when will the token will be listen on Coin Gecko. Bull explained how it has been applied for but it wasn’t pushed, as the team have instead focused on the beta, but then they will be refocusing their attention on listings and also yield farming once that is done.

The next question was written on chat from Shroown and was querying what was happening with the NFT launch. Bull explained how the marketplace will be launching around one month after the official launch of the platform itself and is currently being worked on. Afterwards, Joyce asked how many models are currently enrolled with HornHub. Bull explained how it is around 4 currently — but this is just for the beta period, and many more will be brought in in time for the actual launch. Bull then reiterated how there will be both an adult side and a general SFW side, however due to credit card information being necessary on the platform all users will have to be over 18, regardless of content viewed.

Next up was Deymod, who questioned about branding given the current project name. Bull was untypically reserved in answering this question, only going so far as to explain that more will be revealed in the next voice chat AMA — suggesting that more big news is incoming.

Shwoon then came back to ask about whether there would be search bar integration to find talents and genre of content, to which the answer was a resounding yes, one that would do all of those things and more, making it easy for any fan to find exactly what they are searching for easily. Also for those who want to simply discover content from a particular genre more organically, Bull revealed that there would be active filters that users can apply, and then go searching in specific categories.

A few more questions discussed marketing, where Bull delved into the intricacies of where the vast sums of money pushing promotion before the release has gone and also how the team have been actively monitoring every aspect of marketing in order to analyse what has been most effective. He then explained how in the next voice chat the question would be answered more fully in line with the other mystery surrounding the project’s current name.

A great and important question came in shortly afterwards which asked how gaming would work, and whether it would feature live streaming like Twitch. Bull deftly explained how the project currently works by allowing the talent to stream to either one fan as a singular or multiple fans consecutively as a group. (So, in that way it is indeed similar to Twitch.) The next bit of big news that Bull showcased as a bit of an exciting shock reveal was that shortly after release, the project will be pegging to BUSD instead of BNB. This means far less price volatility in the long run as BUSD is linked natively to the US dollar, and went down as very popular news to the community.

Bull then finished off by providing the community with some information about Gemma’s previous experience, which included working on social media accounts for major nightclubs for over a decade and also working closely with talents and celebrity DJs. He further revealed how Gemma has also previously worked on three other projects in the cryptocurrency space, and is a media graduate from a prestigious UK university.

The last question was about charity, and Bull revealed that the project is in final stage talks with an organisation that won’t just be a donation but rather a full partnership, and that full details will be revealed on the next voice chat, once the deal is official.

Bull then thanked the community for all of their continued support and encouraged them to get very excited for the upcoming beta release. The mood in the chat was extremely positive after the VC AMA ended, as everyone moved their sights towards the next exciting step for the HornHub project.

And exciting it is. With a little over a week remaining until HHUB enters its next stage of life — moving ever-closer to its eventual platform launch — all of the pieces have started to come together to create the perfect picture of a roadmap to success. With a strong backing, a dedicated team, and all the necessary resources available at hand, the future of HornHub is looking very bright indeed.

If you would like to know more about Hornhub then visit their official website at or join their Telegram community at

N.B. Please note that nothing written above is financial advice. Always do your own research.



A DeFi Marketplace allowing actors and artists to publish and trade their content securely while protecting them against fraud and theft.