The Calm Before the Epic Storm: Recapping the Fifth HornHub VC
8 min readDec 14, 2021


In a space so full of scams and unreliable projects, HornHub has been seen as a bit of a outlier in the BSC space — a non-meme project that doesn’t bombard its community with hyperbole and false promises, but rather consistently over-delivers through a combination of dedication, planning, and good old-fashioned hard work. All eyes then are on the project as it gears up for the monumental launch of its beta platform, coming Wednesday 15th December. In preparation the team hosted another of their popular Voice Chats, so that the community could be filled in on the exciting days and weeks to come.

This time it was the Wordsmith — AKA Stuart — lead copywriter and soon to be voice for the project who took the bulk of the reins. He wasted no time in getting the community hyped for the imminent beta release, and explaining just how excited the team are (and they very much are — it’s reaching fever pitch behind the scenes!) He assuaged any concerns that there might be any lack of preparation or further delays, although somewhat arbitrarily as the community are now well-versed on the consistent effort the executive and moderation team make.

Stuart then went on to fill everyone in on exactly what has been going on behind the scenes, and there is a lot. Firstly he revealed how the project has lined up a ton of amazing YouTubers to spread the word about HornHub and that they are primed to drop their content simultaneously for the week of the release and beyond. He also revealed that HornHub was about to reach top 3 trending on — (which it did yesterday) and means that beyond a lot of new eyes on the project, it is now partially listed, which means a much lower barrier of entry should HHUB wish to list with them as an exchange down the line. For the uninitiated, is a relative newcomer in the exchange space, but one that is taking the world by storm, sitting currently on around 10 million active users. The project chose to promote with them because not only are they fresh, but not all that many projects get involved with featuring there…yet. This meant a lot of potential investors viewing HHUB and not much in the way of competition.

Stuart continued on to explain how he has been preparing another exciting article to go out as a new press release, which will be heavily promoted so that it lands on over five hundred global news outlets (almost three times the number of placements to before) resulting in immense coverage. He also explained how there will soon be Reddit Crypto Moon Shot posts (where almost a million investors look for new projects) going out every single day for a week and being promoted so that they reach the fabled top of the hot position. On marketing he lastly explained how he is still working on getting a feature Bloomberg article and assured the community he will do his very best to deliver.

The Wordsmith then changed gears to talk about the really big stuff, which went down a treat with the community. He specifically referred to the many ways in which the project has been growing in scope, evolving to become a full content creation platform. He revealed how the executive team have been working around the clock behind the scenes, talking to big players in a large number of different industries. Stuart was very excited to share that first of all the team had sealed some major deals in the music industry. Specifically, this was M-Press LIVE, known as the DJ Khalid of Montreal, a man connected with almost all the big artists in Canada (as well as major music labels and news outlets) who has officially signed on to join the platform! This means that not only will he be bringing all of his fans over, (offering exclusive tracks and content not available anywhere else), but he will also be bringing many French and English artists to join him HornHub. Indeed, it was explained how he has already started reaching out through his major contacts list to spread the word about the project.

Of course in true under-promising yet over-delivering fashion that Hornhub is now synonymous with, Stuart then revealed that the project was also close to closing deals with lots of comedians — people like Mack Bouba and Ossama Ferris, as well as many others who will also be producing exclusive content. In addition, big Canadian personality turned chef Avatar was announced to have also been showing great interest in joining HornHub, where he will be hosting a brand new cooking show. He would, of course, also be promoting to his many active followers, getting them to join the platform to view his new and exclusive content. In fact all of the newcomers who will eventually feature on HornHub will all be giving huge shoutouts about their project to their vast followers. Of course what this means for the future of the project and its platform doesn’t need to be overstated — the heat is officially turning up in a big way!

Stuart then changed gears for a minute to deliver a bit of unfortunate, but necessary news. The news was that due to family concerns and a resuming world tour the beloved Fadi KOD had no choice but to step away from the project. Everyone was sorry to see him go, but he parted in the best of ways, and is still a firm and avid supporter of the project as well as a holder of every one of his tokens.

In addition, the Wordsmith then explained how the team was forced to make a decision regarding the 100 female talents joining the beta test. Although they are all still very keen and are primed to take part at full release, it was decided that it made bad business sense to include them in the beta for a variety of reasons. Firstly, because the reality is that they are all major performers and as a result they would need to be paid, (as asking top creators to work for free for a month just isn’t logical, or even fair). That would of course have put an immense strain on the project’s financial resources at a point where the token can’t yet support the platform. In addition, the team need to have a smaller sample of testers so that they can monitor the back-end system to discover potential bugs and related solutions. The developers we will be working closely with the talents to see the modifications and features they need and what might need to be altered. (For example M-Press LIVE will be providing invaluable information as to what needs to change and what features are crucial. His artists will also check and test it out to see how the platform can be enhanced by all. It was for all the above reasons that Stuart explained the team had decided to delay the onboarding of the 100 talents until full release.

At this point, Stuart handed over to Bull so that he could take questions, and the floor was opened up to the community.

Andrew was first up to bat, asking that since the project had opened in scope how that affected the general content that HornHub had originally been promoted to contain. Bull explained how exciting it was that the project has become open to many new types of talents, but assured everyone that the previous style of content will of course still be present and a large portion of the platform, should fans wish to engage with it.

Long-time investor Brian joined in next to ask a couple of questions. First was about updating Social Media channels more regularly. Always open and honest, Bull explained how this is something that the team are aware has been an issue, but primary focus has been on development, which is full steam ahead. He assured him that it will be addressed once the team can take their foot off the gas a little and focus on these other elements. Brian and Bull then talked about how some of the new and upcoming content creators are already talking about the project (linked on their socials). Merchandise was up next, and it was confirmed that it will be ready in just six short days. Lastly was about security, as leading up to beta launch, a lot of fake HornHub telegram accounts have emerged, trying to get community members to give over their wallet seed phrases or send money. Bull explained (and this goes in general for crypto) that the proper team members will never DM an investor directly, and to always do due diligence and check on the main chat if the team member sent the message — the answer is nearly always no. Also the team will never, ever ask for money or for an individual to link their wallet or part with crypto.

Zeeman jumped on shortly after Brian to congratulate the team and then had a quick question about the beta users who will test the platform. Bull revealed how excitingly — because of the delay –all 70+ participants in the Gleam contest will be able to participate in the beta testing!

At this point Stuart had to leave Voice Chat, so Bull continued taking the great questions where he revealed some more key points of information, including how there will be special live events (such as pay-per-view) available as well as just general content, and of course a tipping mechanism fans are free to use, which is already loaded into the platform and ready to go. Overall though, the community was just extremely excited for the upcoming beta launch and the future of the project. The voice chat ended on a high, with Bull thanking the community and explaining once more how overjoyed the team is with the next stages of the project.

And of course there is a lot of reason to be excited. Aside from a minor 15-day delay, the project has smashed through every milestone it has set, and delivered consistently to the community, who the team genuinely care about. The team themselves are passionate about HornHub and have the drive and the dedication to make it the Facebook of content creation.

One last thing worth repeating here — the beta platform will be launching in just over 24 hours!!

Things are about to get very, very exciting.

If you want to find out more about HornHub, visit or visit their telegram on

This article was written by the Wordsmith. Please note that the Wordsmith is not a financial advisor, and nothing written above should be taken as financial advice.



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A DeFi Marketplace allowing actors and artists to publish and trade their content securely while protecting them against fraud and theft.

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