The Marketing Push: Recapping Hornhub’s Third Voice Chat
6 min readNov 23, 2021


Hornhub is getting a good name for itself in the DeFi space as the project that consistently under-promises but over-delivers. That was yet again in full display with this week’s shorter but very sweet live Video Chat with the project’s own Bull and Stuart, which took place on the Sunday 21st November.

The duo has fallen into a fun and relaxed pattern, where they seamlessly work together to reveal exciting new news and updates to the community. First up Stuart let the community know that there was unfortunately a slight delay with the press release (which is landing on 120 different websites including CNN, CBC and Benzinga among many others), but that everyone can expect it to land across the board either on Friday 26th or just before, which will lead to a lot of new eyes on the exciting project.

Bull then revealed how Hornhub is now working with the awesome Thunder Thumbs group — a high quality, professional team of mods who work alongside good projects to help build hype and momentum before the release of a project or platform — (don’t forget everyone that the platform beta launch is in less than a week)! Debi, one of the founders of the Thunder Thumbs came into the Voice Chat to introduce herself, her fun attitude and excitement really getting the community onboard. With the joining of Thunder Thumbs with Hornhub, it means there will be extra fun and impromptu VCs throughout the week, as well as moderators on the chat 24/7! This means that if anyone has any questions at any time at all, there will always be someone there to answer them.

The next exciting bit of news that Bull and Stuart teased about was the project’s new, three-step plan which they will be revealing in full over the next few days. The first part was in reference to how the project will be making its elite selection process to choose people from the community. Part two was just a little snippet about how the team will be organising the testing of the platform and how those chosen will get rewarded for their help. The third part was about the platform beta launch, which is on its in T-minus 7 days!

However, of the entire VC, by far the biggest bomb drop that Stuart kept until last really got the community excited. He revealed how that the team have set aside $200,000 dollars for a huge marketing push! The $200,000 will be split into two, 14-day intensive marketing campaigns — the first just before the beta platform launch, and then the second marketing push arriving just before the official launch of the Hornhub platform. In addition, the project will have a separate, ongoing and continuous token specific marketing of no less than $30,000 and up to $50,000 a month, which will grow organically with the project.

After the big reveal there was a bit of chatting among Stuart, Bull and Debi, about how major the marketing push will be for the project and how excited they all were. Bull also explained how the team will let investors who aren’t involved in the beta testing know what is happening with detailed weekly reports. The community was by that time ready to get involved with questions, so Bull opened the floor to those on Voice Chat.

The first question was from Mark, who first explained how much he liked the project and then asked about listings on CMC and CG. Bull explained how the project has re-applied as they haven’t heard back from either within three weeks, so they expect a response and /or listing imminently. He also stressed that the project has not been rejected in case anyone was unduly worried or concerned. A follow-up question was if the project had any extra utilities planned, like NFT games. The response was exciting as while not specifically about a game, Bull instead revealed how there are a few major (as yet unnamed) gamers with large followers who are already in talks with HHUB to display content on the site!

Dan then came in to ask a question to whether or not the project was still going to hit its release timelines, to which the answer was a resounding yes. Bull explained how Hornhub is absolutely ready for both the beta launch, and the full launch.

The third question was from long-time investor Brian who asked about liquidity problems. Always honest and transparent, Bull explained how there have indeed been issues with liquidity levels but the project has slowly been injecting BNB directly in to the liquidity pool to rectify the issue — an answer that settled effectively the last remaining concerns for the project. In addition, Bull also explained how yield farming will be ready to go in approximately two weeks, making everyone — including large ‘whales’ — very happy. The pair then spoke about social media presence, and Bull explained how all channels are being further updated and will have a constant stream of exciting info and updates on the project going forward. Lastly, Brian asked about whether the talent signed to the platform will be shown on any form of list to investors. Bull replied that going one better, not only will they be on a list, but they will have a direct link to their social accounts, so that people can see they are genuine and that they really do support and interact with Hornhub!

Another long-time investor George then came on to ask how many beta testers the project will choose. Bull did know the answer but kept his cards close to his chest, as it will be fully revealed in the three-part plan, coming soon! He then asked if the beta testers will be taken from the telegram community, of which the answer was a resounding yes. The entire team feels that the telegram community are those that have supported the project since the very start, so it is they who will be rewarded first with primary access. George then just wished everyone listening a Happy Thanksgiving!

The next question was a great one, asked by first-time VC speaker Swamp Donkey. He explained how the US — where he is from — passed a few bills that had ramifications for cryptocurrencies and restricted their access to those in the country. He wondered how the project would respond to these issues. Bull gave a great answer explaining how the project has a great legal team and have been advised that there are no issues for Hornhub, because the crypto aspects are all done in the back end at a 1:1 ratio for use on the site as a credit, meaning that the project is completely shielded from any crypto-related issues in that sense.

Dan then popped back in again, asking about similar projects that have created NFT platforms and how HornHub will compete. With tongue firmly in cheek, Bull simply stated that there is no competition. As with all things, HHUB has spent a long time planning to a meticulous level so that everything is perfect and looks stunning. Comparable projects have created NFT marketplaces as afterthoughts, and the reality is, it shows. It was light-hearted winding down of the question session.

Lastly, Bull was honest with how the project is down one GFX content creator as he has stepped away due to personal issues. So, Bull put out the call to anyone who might know someone who can step in to fill his shoes — the only caveat? They must be amazing! (If you are reading this and know someone yourself, please do reach out to an official member of the team on Telegram — they will be happy to discuss it further with you).

And that was it! Yet another awesome VC session wrapped up with a very excited community and a team who are focused and ready for the next few weeks, which are going to be huge for the project. Keep your eyes on the Telegram from now on — it’s going to get epic.

If you would like to know more about HornHub then visit their website at or visit their official Telegram group at

This article was written by the Wordsmith. The Wordsmith is not a financial advisor and nothing written above should be taken as financial advice.



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